Karen’s Chatt Begins Its Third Year

BalloonsJanuary 27th 2013 was the second anniversary of Karen’s Chatt, or as the Geneabloggers say, Blogiversary. I want to thank everyone for the Blogiversary wishes and for reading and supporting Karen’s Chatt the past two years.

This past year Karen’s Chatt had nearly 8,000 visits and over 16,000 page views. Visitors were from all around the word but most were from Ohio and Indiana. Here is what 2012 looked like:

The five most popular blog posts or pages were:

  1. Changes in Technology over the years (3 June 2011)
  2. Gallery/photos
  3. Tombstone Tuesday—Jacob Miller (29 March 2011)
  4. Five Tips for Safely Reading and Photographing Tombstones (14 September 2012)
  5. Dropping Pennies (18 March 2011)

The five most popular pages that people landed on when coming to Karen’s Chatt:

  1. Changes in Technology over the Years
  2. Five Tips for Safely Reading and Photographing Tombstones
  3. Tombstone Tuesday–Jacob Miller
  4. Dropping Pennies
  5. Our Ohio Century Farms (26 October 2012)

Some popular and unusual search terms that brought people to Karen’s Chatt:

  • Nicholas Headington War of 1812 [There are still a lot of people researching Nicholas Headington, my U.S. Daughters of 1812 ancestor. This is still by far the most popular search term.]
  • Changes in technology [Also still a very popular search.]
  • Dropping Pennies/Hear the Pennies Dropping [Eighty people searched for information about this little Sunday School song last year. I am amazed. One person was looking for the chords to the song.]

Other less popular things people were searching:

  • Rev. Kreiselmeyer
  • Todd Frazier [Fifteen people were looking for information about our favorite Reds player. I hope they enjoyed the photo of Todd and me!]
  • Is Karen an unusual name? [Not around here! Two of my best friends were named Karen, so there were three Karens in our wedding. Our pastor is a Karen, too.]
  • Lutheran Confirmation Records [They can be a very good source of information.]
  • Autograph book verses
  • What’s the wavil lack today? [Huh?]
  • Scary Santa [Six people probably looked at a photo of my Uncle Kenny’s homemade Santa face. It sure scared me when I was little.]
  • Andrews Sawmill, Wendel Brothers Motor Sales, Fisher Implement [All past Chattanooga businesses, each a separate search.]
  • The Chatt Bar and deep-fried pizza Ohio [I can vouch for both. Try the breaded tenderloin sometime,too.]
  • Why is there a town in Ohio called Chattanooga? [Not sure. This might be a good future blog.]
  • Genealogy of my great grandparents [I might be able to help you, but I’ll need a little more information.]
  • Photos of Schumms [Yup! I have quite a few of those.]
  • First Lutheran, Chattanooga [We are the first and only Lutheran in Chatt.]
  • Old Chattanooga
  • Phone numbers for Pete Brewster [I am not privy to that information.]
  • Karen Miller quilter [Definitely not me. I do not have the time or the patience to quilt.]
  • Stocking feet church [I play our church organ in my stocking feet but the rest of the congregation keeps their shoes on.]
  • #43 [I’m not sure what you were looking for but evidently I have a 43 in one of my blogs.]
  • Adult Chatt [Hmmm. I don’t think I’m interested, thank you.]
  • Cemetery corner of Wabash and Oregon Road, Mercer County, Ohio [I know that cemetery! You should have asked me about it.]

Thanks for reading and I hope you will keep visiting Karen’s Chatt.



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  1. Happy 2nd Blogiversary Karen. I’m interested in reading a couple of your popular blogs in a few minutes. However, I did check out your DAR photos. As a former member and DAR employee in DC, anything about the organization interests me. I have a few photos on my blog as well, taken abt. 20 years ago. Best wishes as you go into your third year. Barbara at http://lifefromtheroots.blogspot.com/

    1. Thank you Barbara! We are proud of our Lima Chapter DAR, which is an active group. We just got our 70th member. I will check out your DAR photos, too. Thanks for writing.

  2. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Karen! Love reading those search terms–what a hoot! Look forward to reading along with your Chatt for another year.

    1. Thanks, Shelley!

  3. Congrats on entering your third year of genealogy blogging, Karen. Best wishes!!

    1. Thank you!

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