Karen’s 2011 Genealogy Goals

It may seem a little odd to be writing about my 2011 genealogical goals in February, but you have to believe me, I wrote these goals early in January.  You see, at the time I wrote my goals I did not have this blog on which to post them.

Karen’s 2011 Genealogy Goals:

  • Digitize photos
  • Digitize old home movies
  • Digitize documents I now have in binders
  • Create family/genealogy slide shows
  • Keep a genealogy diary
  • Join Sons & Daughters of WWII Veterans
  • Backup data every month
  • Start a web page and blog
  • Review collected information in family binders & write conclusions
  • Go to a national genealogical conference
  • Discover when Isaac Huey died and where he is buried

These are some lofty goals, but one goal is already completed: to start a web page and blog. Thanks to Jeff, this has become a reality—and in less than one week! He works fast.

Most of my goals have to do with digitizing and writing. In other words, I want to get family information and stories written down and put them into a lasting format that will be easy to share. So relatives, keep telling your stories. I love to hear the stories about grandma and grandpa and the good old days when you grew up. And of course I love those old photos, too!

I am doing well with some of my other goals, too. I have joined “52 Weeks of Sharing Memories: A Genealogy Journal”, hosted by one of my Facebook Friends, Lorine Massey. She also writes the Olive Tree Genealogy Blog. Each week she prompts us by giving us a topic to write about. I can say that I am up-to-date in that writing. As for digitizing photos, I have been busy doing that with my new toy, which I will discuss in another blog. I have also been faithful to back up my computer data with my new external hard drives. Yes, I have two 320GB hard drives plus my old 80GB external drive. I sure don’t want to lose any data or photos! I do my back up the first of every month, as suggested by another blogger Dick Eastman. I plan to go with Miriam to the FGS Conference in Springfield, Illinois, in September. Then there is that new lineage society, the Sons & Daughters of WWII Veterans, that I plan to join this year and become a charter member.

Some of the other goals will be a little more challenging. I have collected a lot of information over the years and much of that information was just placed into binders when I got home from research trips. I need to look at those documents, review them and write summaries and conclusions, much like a research report. Yes! A research report for myself. Who knows what I have buried in all those binders. Perhaps some of that information will reveal what happened to Isaac Huey.

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